Turn walls into doors: How to reach your customers online in this difficult time

13 May 2020

Let's not turn around it: the current situation forces many organizations to run their business more creatively or even drastically change it. This is mainly due to the visible shift from offline to online: consumers should avoid physical stores, which increases the number of online purchases. However, this does not have to be disastrous for your business operations, because the situation also offers opportunities.

Consumers stay at home as a precaution and working consumers spend a lot of time in their home office. So even if they do not visit your store, you can still reach them very effectively (online). But in these difficult times, you want to increase the online reach of your organization as effectively and efficiently as possible. The following applies: everything stands or falls with being able to recognize your current customers. Because when you have insight into your customers, you have all the tools to set up effective campaigns where you reach your target group.

Unfortunately, it is easier said than done. Our experience shows that many organizations are insufficiently able to recognize customers, which especially can be a loss these days. At EDM, we have been advising organizations on (among other things) target group reach for decades and we recently added an accessible solution: Marktplaats onboarding. Marktplaats onboarding makes it possible to distinguish households one-on-one via the Marktplaats.nl platform with more than 8 million unique visitors per month. From better reaching existing customers to setting up acquisition campaigns aimed at consumers that show similarities with your target group; there are a lot of possibilities.

Are you looking for a way to reach your 'offline' customers online? Then have a look at all the information about CRM onboarding and feel free to contact us. We are happy to think along with you!