The most relevant customer dialogue starts with optimal reach. 

Improve customer reach with updated customer databases and increase business growth with targeted audiences - based on CRM customer data - for the most effective online and offline marketing campaigns.


Through pragmatic solutions at the intersection of data, technology, and marketing, EDM supports organizations in creating the most up-to-date and correct customer database, compiling and using relevant target groups for online and offline customer acquisition, and optimally rendering leads through solid prospect data management.


"After switching suppliers, EDM's better address quality has resulted in significant savings on return mail. Furthermore, the improved data quality has prevented unnecessary annoyance among those we wrote to. In the end, better prospects have been achieved."
"Following the amended privacy legislation of 1 March 2007, we found a partner in EDM that provides us with useful addresses for DM purposes. With those addresses, we can still target with razor-sharp precision in the campaigns we launch for our clients and these mailings deliver the desired returns. Thanks to EDM's Automotive database, we can still select the right audience. That is worth a lot to us and our clients!"
"The cooperation with EDM is of a high standard and has helped take Renault's data strategy to the next level. Through data enrichment, targeting, analytics and defining look-a-like profiles, the results and efficiency of Renault's marketing activities have increased."
"Kinderhulp is committed to helping children who grow up in poverty and are excluded as a result. This requires money through collectors, donors and legacies. EDM has supported us for years to get enough people and resources on all these fronts. A strong partnership that we are more than satisfied with."
"We have had good experiences with EDM for years. The collaborative and flexible staff ensure that we can apply better, even deeper and more efficient profiling each time. This applies to both the optimisation of audience campaigns and during the general campaign period. Year after year, we experience EDM as a pleasant cooperation partner".
"EDM carried out an online profiling for us with surprising results. They offer an interesting concept combining offline and online profiles in a unique way."
"In cooperation with EDM, we can reach our audience better and get in touch with more potential customers. We also experience the analyses after a direct mailing as good and useful, so that a next campaign can be optimised."


These organisations already work with EDM