Customer Retention

By making smart use of data, you can build long-term relationships with customers and achieve lasting success.

In the dynamic world of customer relations, retaining customers is crucial. Especially as there are increasingly more alternatives, and consumers compare options more frequently and easily. For successful customer retention, gathering and applying valuable data is essential. Above all, this primarily involves being relevant to customers and reaching them. By cleverly using data, you can build long-lasting relationships with customers and achieve sustained success.


  • Churn rate is too high
  • I can’t reach customers
  • Am I reaching my customers through the right channels?
  • Who are our top customers?
  • How do I activate my inactive customers?


What are you already doing with your customer data ?

To maintain good relationships with customers, it's important to reach them with relevant communication. To do this, your customer contact details must be up-to-date. Here, you follow the ACCU principle: are the data accurate, complete, correct, and unique? The better your customer data, the better your organization can meet their needs. Read more about this in our blog: do you know who your customer is?


A well-organized customer database and accurate contact details are essential for effective communication. With clear customer information, you can send messages that match their needs. A clear view of customer data allows you to look ahead and proactively respond to potential needs. In short: a structured approach to customer data is the foundation for effective and meaningful interaction with your customers. This ultimately leads to strong customer relationships.

EDM supports organizations in improving and maintaining the quality of customer data using reference data. EDM is the key to creating a solid foundation of data integrity, which ultimately contributes to successful business results.


Do more with your customer data ?

A solid foundation of customer data opens up new possibilities. It allows you to approach your customers in new and more effective ways, both online and offline. This enables you to provide a consistent experience across multiple channels such as Google Search, social media, email, and direct mail. This not only leads to more satisfied customers but also opens doors to multi-channel marketing strategies that increase engagement and conversions.

In addition to understanding your current marketing channels, this also provides insight into the channels you are not (yet) using.

By obtaining consent from customers through the available mix of channels, you expand your communication possibilities. This increases accessibility, makes you even more relevant and allows you to tailor communication better to your customer's needs. This strengthens relationships with your customers.



Increase customer loyalty

Now that you have built a strong foundation with your own customer data, you can improve the customer experience by smartly using external information and advanced segmentation.

Add external data sources to gain a broader and deeper understanding of your customer. This provides a more comprehensive view of your customers' behavior and preferences. By combining this external information with your internal customer data, you can develop more targeted and personalized marketing strategies.

Segmentation, where you look at both internal and external data, allows you to define customer groups more precisely. This better aligns with the needs of each customer group and allows you to communicate more effectively. The result is an approach that is more relevant and promotes customer loyalty.